Empowering BIPOC Trans Folks Local & Worldwide

Tranzzlation is a Black transwoman-led grassroots Organization invested in the advancement of all Queer and trans folk, specifically those that are BIPOC Trans identifying.
We serve and mobilize communities in order to heal our collective soil from the poisons of our past and present, so our future roses can thrive.
Through community engagement, education, and therapeutic services around the disparities those of marginalized backgrounds face.

Tranzzlation envisions a world that not only affirms but is safe for trans folk and where they can be and find love.
Tranzzlation seeks to provide programs that develop skills and self-sufficiency for the wider BIPOC Trans community.

Tranzzlation is an organization that values community engagement, education, and representation for BIPOC Trans folk.

We would love to have your support. If you feel so inclined please donate to our cause.

Tranzzlation has experienced directors who are both black women of trans experience, formally engaged in the sex work industry. With our focus heavily being on BIPOC trans folk, we have to look at the places they occupy, not only where they take up space but also where they’re often missing. Through an intersectional lens, we created safety and sex workshops, professional development, and care packages. We are also helping to navigate the period from sex work to post-sex work employment, should they choose that route.
This entails doing an intake with one of the directors. Where we will access all your needs and wants. This should take approximately 30 minutes. The reasoning for intake is to access whether or not you will be a good candidate for the program. Being a good candidate for the program will not hinder us connecting you to the necessary resources needed.
Tranzzlation is an organization that values community engagement, education, and representation for BIPOC Trans folk. Below are some key components in the fight for equality. Click "Learn More" for a more in-depth look at our values.

The disease of white supremacy harms all Black, Brown, and Indigenous people. We work with a trauma-informed approach, determined to shift the culture to undermine institutional racism and the societal collaboration that preserves it.

We do not live single issue lives. Our work honors the multiple layers of our identities, and centers the experiences of those who live at the intersection of marginalized identities.
We embrace the diversity of ideas and experiences that make our community. We use consensus in our collective decision-making to affirm the value of all participants.

In order to access justice, we must build an assertively inclusive movement. We seek to create opportunities for all to participate, across abilities, cultures, languages, and family status.